Monday, 31 October 2011

Halloween Special (Always Wanted to Do One)

I have always wanted to run around the streets in a cardboard-meets-tinfoil robot suit with a raygun. Why haven't I fulfilled this perfectly sensible childhood dream then? Simple. Halloween does not exist in Finland. Fortunately, it does in the United States of America, and more specifically, in Madison, WI. "Madtown" is the home of the annual meeting of all kinds of weirdos, which is, quite aptly, called Freakfest. Freakfest turns a central street in Madison into an event of bands, bars, restaurants and, of course, mindblowing costumes.

 People going bonkers listening to crappy pop-punk by All Time Low.

Stores, especially the ones dedicated to selling party decorations, are filled from floor to roof with Halloween costumes and accessories. Curiously enough, men get covered up in gorilla costumes while women only get a pair of bunny ears and very little else. I'll let everyone draw their own conclusion on that, and instead focus on drawing something on me.

I did not want to buy a costume because I am a creative, artistic and talented individual, who naturally create their own - and, uhm, because I had a massive cardboard box lying around in the corner.

Quite a beauty.

To fulfil my childhood dream of creating my own indestructible robot armour I grabbed a pair of scissors, tape, and roll of tinfoil and got to business (thanks people for letting me "borrow" all this stuff). The process wasn't all that easy and apparently you'd better be an engineer of some sort to create a functional and comfortable creation out of cardboard. Well, I decided to go awkward and unconfortable (imagine me sitting in a shuttle from the hotel to downtown. Or simply imagine me sitting anywhere in a cardboard box).

Not enough shine. Yet.

The process took me hours and hours and the effort of squeezing myself into a cardboard box for dozens of times. After all my sweating in and outside of the box, I was finally ready for the showdown. Winning a dance battle, being slapped on the rear flap and kicked in the stomach made my efforts completely worth it!

"Take me to your leader!"

Sadly, after a night of bumping into people and all kinds of weird creatures it came time say goodbye to my life with robotic tunnel vision.

RIP. Recharge for next year. We had good times.

Good times.

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