Saturday, 1 October 2011


It's weird I didn't mention this before, but I actually have to live somewhere during my semester. Not just somewhere - somewhere exotic. Dorms.

Wells East Hall, my home for the semester.

This semester is probably my once-in-a-life-time-experience of living in dorms since back home sharing an apartment with someone is considered horrible, let alone a room. Way to get isolated. Here, isolation is the least of my problems. I share my tiny room with a roommate. I Share the bathroom and showers with dozens of other people. I share the kitchen with the whole tower building.

 Welcome to Wells East. This is not a prison.

Luckily, I came prepared. I've seen the movies and read College Humor enough to know what to expect - and I haven't been disappointed. Girls puking out whatever-the-American-crap-double-cheese-burger-with-bacon-and-fries that they've eaten on the right. Bunch of guys who just made it out of their parents' house, blasting some bullshit music, playing NFL on Playstation and shouting "Dude, dude, watch this dudebrodude!" on the left. At 2 a.m.. And this is actually what I hear inside my room. Outside, it's a different story.

This is my refuge in all the madness that is called "college lyfe lol":
You can pretty much see all my earthly possession in this picture.

It will be weird not to hear the constantly thumbing bass drum when I go to bed back home.

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